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Training and development programs

Training and development programs

Our training and development programs have become the most widely used services by our corporate clients. Corporate training and development programs are tailored to the needs and expectations of our clients.

Although the development programs in our modules are customized to fit our methodology, any resulting development is modeled from a detailed analysis, mapping out a client’s expectations and needs along with the environment where a project should be realized and implemented.

The methodology behind development projects is based on seven strong pillars:

  1. In addition to participants in our development projects acquiring new knowledge and skills, we work with their paradigms and attitudes in order for them to get into the habit of thinking and behaving proactively.
  2. Development projects are always structured in two parts: One is an interactive training and the other is an application workshop. This combination creates opportunities to transfer knowledge into real practice and is an effective way to link knowledge and skills, obtained in an environment of educational activity and actual practice.
  3. The development projects’ unique 30/70 combination of theoretical and interactive parts, with all the elements of the interactive part (exercises, simulations, workshops and projects) are based on what the training attendees actually do in practice.
  4. Integrating individual parts of a project in logical and temporal contexts and links with other CCBG activities (consulting, psychodiagnostics, assessment centers, development centers, competence models and other elements).
  5. Outcome of the completed project (feedback to project participants and building homogeneous groups) for the management and the education department (HR).
  6. Detailed evaluation of a development activity, including its effectiveness.
  7. Possibility to implement the project’s methodology in the company’s internal training.

Some of the modules in our training and development projects:

Proactive servicing

  • Proactive communicating to customers
  • Customer orientation
  • Resolving customer servicing challenges

Proactive sales

  • Phoning
  • Acquiring and winning new customers
  • Benefit-oriented sales
  • Phases of a business conversation
  • Relationship management
  • Customer typology and sales conversations
  • Negotiating

Proactive management

  • Role of managers
  • Management styles
  • Coaching as a form of management
  • Stimulating and developing staff
  • Teamwork and building a team
  • Communicating in a team and corporate communication
  • Manager self-awareness
  • Troubleshooting team problems and conflicts
  • Creativity in a manager’s job
  • Coping with workload and stress
  • Appraising staff
  • Presentations, management meetings and leading educational activities
  • Grooming representatives/successors
  • Managing change

Customizing projects

  • Development projects tailored to clients based on the 5 ELEMENTS® methodology
  • and others…
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Topics to work with in individual coaching are brought up by managers.

Our sessions involve transformational business coaching, where we work with the innermost motivation and sources for those we coach, so the outcome from coaching and decision-making for coached individuals brings lasting change. Coaching can be advisory in nature (not so much advice, but rather finding new alternative solutions), have elements of education and training applied therein, or may be introspective and an analysis of emotional processes. Whatever it is, coaching is based on a cooperation between the coach and the coached person. Such cooperation requires a certain degree of mutual trust and an atmosphere of psychological security.

Most common topics in coaching:

  • Communicating with subordinates
  • Understanding the behavior of coworkers and subordinates
  • Workplace relationships, likes and dislikes, diversity in people and exploring opportunities for cooperation
  • Problems faced in workplace relationships
  • Specific management issues, such as leading and organizing meetings, appraising subordinates
  • Managing stress, overwork and private zones
  • Budgeting time and making optimal use of it
  • Feedback from subordinates and encouraging two-way communication
  • Delegating (when, to whom, how and what) and controls
  • How conflicts arise and resolving them
  • and more…

Even groups can be coached

In coaching groups, topics are discussed jointly, participation is voluntary and managers always have the right to provide input or not to participate in a topic. Group coaching often tends to be supervisory in nature (analyzing work situations and exploring more optimal solutions), or intend to be psycho-hygienic (ventilating tensions and pressures caused by workload, stress, overperformance and the like).

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