Take advantage of our highly professional services to guide you on the road to greatness.
Our training and development programs have become the most widely used services by our corporate clients. Corporate training and development programs are tailored to the needs and expectations of our clients.
Although the development programs in our modules are customized to fit our methodology, any resulting development is modeled from a detailed analysis, mapping out a client’s expectations and needs along with the environment where a project should be realized and implemented.
The methodology behind development projects is based on seven strong pillars:
Topics to work with in individual coaching are brought up by managers.
Our sessions involve transformational business coaching, where we work with the innermost motivation and sources for those we coach, so the outcome from coaching and decision-making for coached individuals brings lasting change. Coaching can be advisory in nature (not so much advice, but rather finding new alternative solutions), have elements of education and training applied therein, or may be introspective and an analysis of emotional processes. Whatever it is, coaching is based on a cooperation between the coach and the coached person. Such cooperation requires a certain degree of mutual trust and an atmosphere of psychological security.
In coaching groups, topics are discussed jointly, participation is voluntary and managers always have the right to provide input or not to participate in a topic. Group coaching often tends to be supervisory in nature (analyzing work situations and exploring more optimal solutions), or intend to be psycho-hygienic (ventilating tensions and pressures caused by workload, stress, overperformance and the like).